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Here at Bizzy Bodz,we pride ourselves in implementing a bicultural curriculum. Te reo Maori me ona tikanga thrives within the routines and rituals of our centre.
Manaakitanga, whakawhanaungatanga and kotahitanga are important values held by our kaiako, supporting a kaupapa Maori lens to learning and development of our tamariki.
These values sit alongside a curriculum in constant development with the collaborations of whanau tangata, local kaitiaki and kaiarahi, and kaiako contributions
Here at Bizzy Bodz we support our tamariki to have an understanding and appreciation of te reo me te tikanga Maori by weaving these throughout our curriculum and daily routines.
Together, these principles and strands give expression to the vision for children that are at the heart of
Te Whāriki. Teachers in our centre weave together the principles and strands, in collaboration with children, parents, whānau and communities.
Te Whāriki is based on Four Principals:
Whakamana | Empowerment
The early childhood curriculum empowers the child to learn and grow.
Kotahitanga | Holistic Development
The early childhood curriculum reflects the holistic way children learn and grow.
Whānau tangata | Family & Community
The wider world of family and community is an integral part of the early childhood curriculum.
Ngā hononga | Relationships
Children learn through responsive and reciprocal relationships with people, places, and things.
Programme Planning
Our individualised learning plans for tamariki involves the following:
Noticing & Observing
looking and listening to the children, focusing on their strengths, interest, needs and behaviours; e.g. their skills, knowledge, strategies, attitudes, theories and dispositions, which compose the children’s learning identity.
Striving to understand children’s learning through strong developed relationships and knowledge of our children, and the context in which their learning is taking place.
We acknowledge the children’s learning by taking the necessary action, then planning an appropriate programme to affect further learning. These would require active listening, conversation, scaffolding, celebrating, consolidating and inspiring the children to explore, learn and develop as competent and life long learners.
Reflection / Evaluation
The purpose of reflection is to make informed judgement's regarding the quality and effectiveness of our programme.
Our evaluation places an emphasis on the quality of provision and we use a range of assessment tools to direct children’s learning and development, and identify whether the environment and programme are adequately providing for all children in our setting. It's important to have the flexibility to modify the curriculum Te Whāriki, or experiences in the programme, to meet the needs of the children and achieve the curriculum and planning goals.
Learning Framework
At Bizzy Bodz our learning framework is based on the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum - Te Whāriki, this is the national curriculum document for early childhood education (ECE), to be used with all children from birth to school entry.
Underpinning Te Whāriki is the vision; children are, competent and confident learners and communicators, healthy in mind, Body and spirit, secure in their sense of belonging and in the knowledge that they
make a valued contribution to society.
The whāriki or woven mat is used as a metaphor for the ECE curriculum, in which four curriculum principles are interwoven with five curriculum strands.
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